Welcome to my corner of the internet! I’m Rohan Gumaste, an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, pursuing a B.S. in Statistics and Computer Science.
Currently, I’m working at the FOCAL Lab with Professor Gagandeep Singh on offline RL, PBRL and adversarial traning for RLHF, as well as applications in AI safety. I’m also a part of the ARC lab where I work with Professor Sasa Misailovic. Here, I’m researching program synthesis and code generation. Specifically I’ve been working on constrained LLM decoding, with a focus on iterative grammar aligned methods. In an earlier project, I briefly worked on translating natural language to formal logic programs.
Recently, I finished a year long remote research experience at Sandia National Laboratories where I worked with Dr. Daniel Ries on statistical modeling for near real-time lightning strike prediction. We studied spatiotemporal modeling, probabalistic programming, bayesian methods, and optimization.
Previously, I worked at the Crowd Dynamics Laboratory under the supervision of Professor Hari Sundaram. We researched deep neural recommender systems, with a particular emphasis on fast machine unlearning, differential privacy, and the cold start problem.
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